What are the applications of FPGA module in modern industry?

FPGAs are particularly useful for prototyping application-specific integrated circuits or processors. An FPGA can be reprogrammed until the ASIC or processor design is final and fault-free, and actual manufacturing of the final ASIC begins. Intel itself uses FPGAs to prototype new chips. With a standard chip, like the Intel arria 10 on an Arduino board, the chip is totally enclosed. It cannot be programmed. You get what you get. With these chips, a user can write software that is loaded onto a chip and performs functions. That software can be replaced or removed later, but the hardware chip remains unchanged.
FPGA Applications
- ASIC Prototyping – ASIC prototyping with FPGAs enables fast and accurate SoC system modeling and verification of embedded software
- Audio – FPGAs and specific design platforms allow greater degrees of flexibility, faster time to market, and lower non-recurring engineering costs for a wide range of audio, communications and multimedia applications.
- Automotive – Automotive silicon and IP solutions for driver assistance and entry systems, comfort, convenience, and in-vehicle entertainment information.
- Broadcast & Pro AV – Adapt to changing requirements faster and lengthen product lifecycles with Broadcast Driven Design Platforms and solutions for high-end professional broadcast systems.
- Consumer Electronics – Cost-effective solutions that enable full-featured, state-of-the-art consumer applications such as converged phones, digital flat panels, information devices, home networks and residential set-top boxes.
- Data Center – Designed for high-bandwidth, low-latency servers, networks, and storage applications to bring greater value to cloud deployments.
- High Performance Computing and Data Storage – Solutions for Network Attached Storage, Storage Area Network, Servers and Storage Appliances.
- Industrial – FPGAs and specific design platforms for industry, science and medicine allow greater degrees of flexibility, faster time to market, and lower non-recurring overall engineering costs for a wide range of applications such as industrial imaging and surveillance, industrial automation, etc.
- Medical – For diagnostic, monitoring, and therapy applications, there are FPGA models that can be used to meet a number of I/O interface, display and processing requirements.
- Security – FPGA with solutions that meet the changing needs of security applications, from access control to surveillance and security systems.
- Video and Image Processing – FPGAs allow greater degrees of flexibility, faster time to market, and lower non-recurring engineering overhead for a wide range of video and image applications.
- Wireless Communications – RF, baseband, connectivity, transport and network solutions for wireless equipment, addressing standards such as WCDMA, HSDPA and others.
The importance of programmable logic devices lies in the fact that most modern electronic equipment includes PLDs in their design, so any professional related to the maintenance or manufacture of electronic equipment should master this methodology. Among other advantages of this technology are simple designs, high performance, reliability, cost savings, rescheduling, and security. Consequently, programmable logic circuits have a wide field of application in the implementation of logic circuits of all kinds. Among the wide range of PLDs we have FPGAs, which are used for designs that handle a greater transfer of data and registers.