Things to take care of while getting DoFollow backlinks in 2022!

Lately, link building has gotten quite a fame in the digital world. And why not? The world is going through a stage where everything is taking on the hue of digitalization. Businesses are going online and so are their customers. Thus, it has become necessary for them to have a good digital presence. But sometimes, in a hurry to get ranked higher online, people make mistakes. One such tragedy happens when people buy dofollow backlinks from link building services or either do it by themselves. They unknowingly make mistakes!
So, how can you make sure that the dofollow links you are putting are not harming you?
Don’t look up towards DoFollow Links naively!
The thing that many people do not know about dofollow links is that these links have a purpose. Because there is a belief that the more website telling Google to consider your domain, the better. No! If you too think that the more you can buy Dofollow links the better, then you need to gulp down a glass of Pina Colada and think again!
What actually are Dofollow Links and what purpose do they serve?
DoFollow links mean that the website that is putting an outside link into its webpage wants to pass on the trust score or authority score to that website. Let’s consider the difference between DoFollow and NoFollow through a simple real-life example.
Suppose Mr. Pochinki is an expert in the field of Space and Technology. Now, he must be known to the different companies out there that are serving value to the world in this field. Now, there is this company that Mr. Pochinki loves much and trusts much. He wants to tell the world about it. So, one day he tweets about this new company – “Never seen such a blend of passion and expertise in the field of Space and Technology. Fly high AsterWaster.” Now, people would look towards it as a recommendation because they trust Mr. Pochinki. Here, Mr. Pochinki has placed a DoFollow link to this new company he trusts so much. This is what happens when you buy dofollow backlinks.
Now, suppose there is another company that makes some specific parts for the space shuttle. He does not know if the company is good but still wants people to know. And thus he tweets, “Well. I am seeing a new company trying to serve space field with XYZ parts. Well Done. Don’t know about the quality. but well done.” Now, this will help people know about the company but it won’t help them have trust in it. Why? Because Mr. Pochinki has not passed his trust score yet. This is what NoFollow Links do.
Difference between DoFollow and NoFollow Links!
Now, as is discussed above through the example of Mr. Pochinki, NoFollow links pass no link juice to the external website.
By default, all links placed are DoFollow and pass on the Authority Score to the website it is linking to. If you want to place a link to help a user, you need to add a nofollow attribute to the link. And how do you add an attribute to the nofollow link? By placing Rel=”nofollow” in the code. Here, Rel stands for Relationship and tells Google about the relationship between the main website and the other website.
Is this all that one needs to take care of when they buy dofollow links from link building services? No! Here are further things that one must take care of when getting dofollow links!
Take care of these things when you buy dofollow backlinks!
It is quite clear that when you buy backlinks, you want to improve your PageRank score. A PageRank score was a score developed by Google that calculated how much of an expert and authority a page is. The better the PageRank, the better it is for websites to which this page links. Simply, PageRank meant that “This person is so famous and is an expert, so if he is recommending someone, we must trust his recommendation.”
But then, people started to misuse it and Google stopped showing PageRank in its metrics. But it does not mean that the PageRank is gone. PageRank is still a direct Ranking Factor. It just is that Google does not show the PageRank Score for a domain to the public. It keeps it as a secret and uses it for itself.
But now, there are external paid tools that help people know the score of a webpage. The most famous and trustworthy is the DA and PA score developed by Moz and Ahrefs. It tells the score of a webpage on a scale of 0 to 100. If a webpage with a PA score of 80 is linking to you, hail it and hail much. Your website will rank much better. Going to quality link building services ensure that you get quality backlinks.
Tips to follow while getting DoFollow Backlinks!
Here are a few things that you must make sure of to save your website from the otherwise negative impact of link building.
- Always make sure that the link you are getting for yourself has a higher DA and PA score. It will ensure that your website is getting the worth that you are paying for.
- If possible, make sure that the website linking to you is in the same niche as your own website. But it might cost you much higher. The general use out there is to get the links from general high quality websites.
- Never fall into the trap of scammers selling links in bulk at a very cheap price. For example, you might see an advertisement selling 50 high quality links at 10$. No! Stop! Please Stop! Do not buy dofollow backlinks from them. They will do nothing but harm your own website. How? Because Google assesses the quality of backlinks from time to time and then ranks a website. If a website has more spam websites linking to it, its ranking will brutally fall.
- Try getting the backlinks from a secure website having SSL and HTTPS. Why again? Because Google now considers security as a direct ranking factor. If a website has security issues, its score will drop, furthermore, the websites it is linking to will see a fall too. It is like living in a bad company will hurt you. Check Core Web Vitals and how it impacts a website’s ranking.
- Keep doing the backlink audit for your website from time after time to make sure that no spam websites are linking to you. Sometimes the competitors, for the sake of competition, buy spam links at bulk and then link them to the competitor’s website. This leads to a fall in their competitors’ websites and a comparative rise in their own. But Google has a solution for it called ‘Google Disavow Tool’. Make a list of all the backlinks that are harming your website’s health and submit them in the Disavow Tool.
These are all the things that you must take care of while you buy dofollow backlinks. And, always make sure that you are having these links from reputed link building services. Consider it like sending your child to a quality daycare. It will help you make the future of your website be brighter.