Know more if link building will see its descent to death in 2022!

Back in the 1970s, a person was asked if it was the end of flare pants, and the person said “I think so!”. And now we are in the 2020s where they are again in trend. Such is the beauty of the time that it never stays the same. When we talk about SEO, changes happen more and more often. Now, as the A.I. and M.L. are on the rise, people are wondering if link building will still be relevant anymore. They want to know more about it. And with the advent of the MUM update, they feel more worried. We discussed the same with got to know what actually the truth behind this all is.
Will 2022 see the end of link building?
To understand if the billions of links out there will fall futile in years to come, we first need to understand why actually were they introduced back then.
Back in the days when Google was not even a word, when the digital air was dark and naive, there an idea had emerged to link pages. The internet was fairly new and people were curious to search for anything they could on it. This gave rise to the concept called “Web Rings”. There, people were dropping links on the websites, creating directories, and giving off links for fun. All this was to engage people more because people were looking to know more about the technology. And then came Backrub, which later got called Google. It had a revolutionary idea at hand that links will be considered while ranking pages against user queries.
But Google was naive and its general idea was that the more the links the clearer the indication that a website is famous. And who does not believe in famous things and people? But people have a habit of tricking and finding shortcuts for quick fame. They started creating websites and linking them. They started doing all the terrible stuff. But then came the Google updates. They were more refined and more effective and were able to know more about black hat people. Furthermore, technological upgrades were also happening at the pace of light. People were creating faster and faster computational powers.
Why did link building come to be what it is today?
The basic idea of Google was to create a big structured brain. Alike a brain that has billions of neurons connected to each other in a complex network, Google will have billions of websites connected to each other in a structured way. This is the reason link-building was introduced into the algorithms of Google and other search engines. And it has an evolutionary origin too in us.
We, humans, are social animals and create networks to rise to the Alpha level. This level meant fame and power and reproduction and passage of genes. It also meant experience and knowledge. This is why link building saw crucial research and development. It got improved.
The idea was that if a famous website named A is linking to a smaller website named B, it means website B has something valuable to it. Furthermore, if too many famous websites are talking about B, it means B surely has something divine at hand that users might need. It then will suggest what B has to say to all the users that came to Google with a query. But how does it decide if a website is famous or not? Know more below.
This thing called DA and PA scores.
DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) are search metrics that tell if a website is considered high quality or low quality. If your website has inbound links coming from too many websites and pages with higher DA and PA scores, then it is good for you. However, many more factors get considered while deciding this all. For example, if the websites are of the same niche or not. A website about Pizza getting links from a website about shoes will look suspicious. Know more about what EAT is.
The quality of a page gets calculated using the EAT factor.
- E – Expertise
- A – Authoritativeness
- T – Trustworthiness
If a page looks good according to the algorithm that evaluates through this EAT factor, the website will have a comparatively high score. But then came Artificial Intelligence along with NLP and Deep Learning.
Why would you need links when there will be an engine to evaluate what the content is about, compare the best among the bests, and then serve it to the user who has a query related to it?
Where will link building be in 2022 and years to come?
Let us make it clear, the death of link building would mean a complete monopoly where a search engine would be able to do whatever it wants. Thus, it is not going to die. Link Building, however, will get refined. The engine will be able to know if a link is serving a valuable purpose and should be there or not. It will be able to filter out manipulative links and promote natural links further. This means that the content on the internet would gain quality and people won’t just write content to gain links and visitors. The focus would be to provide something of value.
The search engine giant has made it clear that the user or search intent would be given priority in times to come. The content must provide the value it is saying that it is providing. If you are telling Google something and writing something else, you are dead. One thing that A.I. would be changing is the use of targeted keywords. It is one such thing that foul marketers use to manipulate the search engine.
Link Building is alive, will be alive, and will improve further. It will kill the use of manipulative links. What you would want to do to prepare for the future is that you must write very high-quality content with the aim to provide value. Getting visitors should be your secondary purpose, it should be a consequence of your primary purpose, which would be to provide value to the users. About links, never go for spam links and seek the help of an expert agency. For a suggestion, you may approach to know more about how they nourish a website towards growth.