How to Remove Volatile Organic Compounds from the Air

Volatile Organic Compounds, also known as VOCs, are harmful pollutants ejected from different substances, factories, petrochemical productions, etc. The VOCs are harmful because they dissolve with the breathable air and might cause respiratory illness. Various products release harmful gases; some common ones are carpeting, household cleaners, paints, air fresheners, paints, solvents, nail polishes, wood preservatives, adhesives, and pesticides, aerosol sprays, pesticides, craft supplies, etc. VOC fume extraction is harmful to health because it promotes many lung diseases and other chronic illnesses in individuals.
What is the impact of VOC fume extraction?
VOC fume extraction has several impacts, such as building sick syndrome. The symptoms include headaches, eye irritation, irritated nasal passages, itchy throat, fatigue, dizziness, skin disorders, respiratory discomfort, shortness of breath, etc. Some of the compounds may show no effect, and some might effect immediately after coming in contact with it. As per the Environmental Protection Agency, volatile organic compounds can cause serious health issues. Therefore it is essential to take preventative measures to protect yourself from these hazardous compounds.
Know how to remove VOCs from air
There are many ways one can know how to remove VOCs.
- Choose an effective dry cleaner
There are various dry cleaners which are made up of different chemicals. If the chemicals are not properly washed out from the clothes, they would be breathing in the clothes full of VOCs. Therefore, it is vital to choose a good quality dry cleaner.
- Add green plants
Know the second way of how to remove VOCs from the air. As per the researchers, green plants play a vital role in removing VOCs because they have some natural purifiers that absorb the air’s chemicals and produce fresh air without any harmful compounds in it.
- Get an air purifier
There are several types of air purifiers available in the markets. Portable air purifiers are one of the perfect ways which can be executed to lower the risk of inhaling dangerous chemicals. Many purifiers contain multiple filters that trap the large dangerous particles to improve the quality of the air.
- Do not smoke a cigarette indoors
Cigarettes are made up of more than 70 toxic chemicals, which causes lung cancer. If the person smokes indoors, the smoke will be absorbed by the walls, furniture, and walls, even with an open window. The best way to get rid of cigarette smoke is never to smoke indoors. These are some of the ways to know how to eliminate VOCs.