Helpful Tips to Consider When Using a Laser for Engraving or Cutting

Using a laser for cutting or engraving different materials is popular today. It offers a lot of flexibility and versatility. Because of this, many people are purchasing these machines for personal use. For those who are new to laser cutters and engravers, there may be a few tips that will be beneficial. While more about this can be found over at Boss Laser, keep reading for more information.
Select the Right Image
Based on the software being used with the machine, it can import various formats. It is possible to use text, diagrams, photographs, and anything else. Just try on a scrap piece of material first, which will help ensure the best results are achieved.
Something that can significantly impact the quality of cutting and engraving is if the beam is focused properly. The goal is to adjust the beam to the sharpest and smallest pinpoint possible. Don’t go too far with this, as it is going to begin distorting again.
It may also be necessary to adjust the material’s height to get the beam small enough. It is also possible to install and use an adjustable lifting platform, which will help to bring the material much closer to the laserinstead of having to get the laser closer to the material.
Based on the material selected, sometimes masking is going to make a huge difference. Using masking paper over acrylic will stop the immediate reflection of the laser that is being used. Masking leather and wood will help to prevent charring from occurring around the edges of the burned material. Again, it is a good idea to try the setting on a scrap piece of material first to see if masking is going to be beneficial.
Use Framing Tools and Cross Hairs
Finding the starting position for the laser is easier when framing tools are used. For example, in some programs, it is possible to use custom buttons for setting up the framing tool, turning the laser off and on, and several other actions. This is going to draw the area on the material where the image will be seen. This will help ensure the image is centered and ready to be created.
Take Notes
Be sure to make a note of everything that is done. This includes the material that is used, the settings used, the size of the image, and if the result was as expected. It is also a good idea to note the amount of time the process took, and more. It is smart to keep the notebook near the machine and enter additional information anytime the machine is used. This will allow a person to refer back to what they have done in the past.
When it comes to using a laser cutter or engraver, there are more than a few things to keep in mind. Be sure to keep the tips and information here to get the results desired from the laser cutter. Being informed is the best way to achieve the desired results.