Fake Flash Memory Product Testing

Over time, fake flash memory products have caused numerous headaches. From USB drive or hard drive errors, to corrupt data and eventual data loss, fake flash memory’s global economic impact is a factor to think about seriously. As with every flash product might be faked or manufactured using poor, failure-prone memory, it is important for purchasers to avoid as being a victim of lost data at first. When someone relies on a flash memory product the first time, they ought to be very apparent in the flash’s general health and reliability. A simple yet very effective approach to analyzing a flash memory’s health that industry insiders and consumers alike could use could be the H2TestW burn in testing program. The H2 program was published by a German programmer for c’t Magazin, is extremely small in proportions, does not have to be installed, and includes British language support.
What H2 effectively does is “burn in” data for the flash memory. Once H2 is open as well as the proper drive remains selected, the program instantly detects the Operating-system recognized storage capacity in the flash. Whether it’s been occur an imitation capacity, this fake capacity is what H2 recognizes. For instance a poor flash product of 2GB, or possibly a 512MB product which has been occur an imitation capacity of 2GB, in the two caser, H2 detects the storage capacity of 2GB. Afterwards when H2 has started, it’ll effectively burn in 2GB cost of a unique generated data to the flash. The following factor may be the important one, that’s data verification. The data that’s now stored, is going to be verified by H2. Inside the situation in the poor flash used, the H2 program will recognize the various bad sectors in the memory since the data might have errors when being verified. Inside the situation the memory remains occur an imitation capacity, once the data for your actual real capacity remains verified, data H2 is trying to ensure afterwards will finish in error. For example, after 512MB cost of information remains verified, the data from 512MB to 2GB will all produce errors. In the two caser, the H2 window interface will turn pink and display “The press is most likely defective”. If H2 states the press is most likely defective, then basically there is no reason in utilizing an difficult to depend on kind of storage that will eventually lead to data loss.
To learn more round the wonderful H2 burn in testing program, perform a web-based search for “H2TestW” and study the various praises with this particular ace within the hole in the fake flash memory industry.